About Vista Grande
Scroll down for information about Vista Grande Elementary, policies, and San Diego Unified School district Information. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please type in the key words in the search tool.
Hours and Schedule
7:30 Office Opens
7:35 1st Bell
7:40 Tardy Bell, School Begins
9:40 Kindergarten Recess
10:00 1st-5th Grade Recess
11:25 1st Lunch
12:05 2nd Lunch
2:05 Dismissal on M, T, W, F
11:50 Dismissal on Th, Minimum Day
2:30 Office Closes
Students will have a morning recess/snack break and another afternoon recess before they eat lunch.
see the calendar page for exact dates
Labor Day – 1st Monday in September
Veteran’s Day – November 11th
Thanksgiving Break – 4th Week in November
Winter Break – Two Weeks December-January
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday – 3rd Monday in January
Lincoln Holiday – Friday Before Presidents’ Day
Washington Holiday – 3rd Monday in February
Spring Break – Varies – End of March/Beginning of April
Memorial Day – Last Monday of May
- Facts for Parents
- Attendance
- Volunteers
- Committees
- Involvement Policies
- PrimeTime
- Traffic & Parking
- Transportation
- Choice
Facts for Parents
Facts for Parents is an annual publication containing updated information relevant to the families of San Diego Unified including rights and responsibilities as well as district, local, state, and federal policies that impact all students.
- Important Dates for the Upcoming School Year
- Key Contacts
- Welcome letter from Superintendent Cindy Marten
- Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying Policies
- Uniform Discipline Plan
- Health Requirements
- Parent/Guardian Rights
- Student Records and Rights
- Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
- English Learner Program Option
- At School
- Attendance
- Technology
- Forms
- Universal Form (required)
- Pesticide Use & Notification Form (optional)
Parents are legally entitled to and should receive an updated booklet at the beginning of each school year. A signed Universal Form shows that parents have received this information, and a copy of the completed form should be maintained at sites during the school year.
We expect students to be here everyday of the school year. Students who have best attendance for the year will receive an award lunch with the principal! The qualifications for this award are regulated by the district. Children must be in FULL attendance each day of school. They cannot leave school early or come in late for appointments, field trips, etc. However, we also know that students often end up ill sometime during the year. Please do not send your child to school if they are sick. We also understand that some appointments sometimes need to be made during school hours. Please try to do your best to make these appointments at a time that doesn’t interfere with the school day whenever possible. If your child will be missing school due to illness, please call the school office at 858-496-8290. If the school does not get a phone call, the absence will be counted as unexcused until you inform Vista Grande of the reason for your child’s absence. Too many unexcused absences, and you may be referred to SARB (School Attendence Review Board). If your child is late to school, they must come into the office to fill out a late slip before reporting to class. If a child has too many tardies, you may be referred to SARB. If your child will be leaving school early, come into the office and fill out a dismissal slip. Your child will be called from the classroom, or you might be sent up to get your child. If you are on a field trip or an in-school event with your child, and you want to take your child home after the event, you will still need to fill out a dismissal slip.
Volunteers and Visitors
To ensure the safety of students and staff, ALL parents, volunteers, and visitors must go directly to the school office, sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge. Please wear the badge at all times while on site. School gates remain locked during school hours.
Volunteers are very important to the staff and students of Vista Grande. A volunteer application form, current TB test, copy of current driver’s license and auto insurance must be on file before volunteers can participate in the classroom or on field trips. The TB test is good for four years. Volunteers are required to sign in and out in the front office. All volunteers must wear a nametag while on school grounds. For more on Volunteers, see this detailed page.
Visitors who will be on site more than occasionally will need to follow the volunteer procedure. Please understand teachers are NOT available to conference with you during class time.
School Site Council (SSC)
The SSC is an elected decision-making group comprised of parents, community members, site administrators, teachers and other staff. At the secondary level, students are included. The SSC has an ongoing responsibility to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the site plan. The SSC also oversees all the categorical funds such as Title I, Second Language and GATE. All schools are required to have an SSC. Contact your site administrator or SSC chair if you are interested in joining.
Site Governance Team (SGT)
Each school has a SGT to act as its advisory body on issues other than major categorical programs. Contact your school administrator if you are interested in being part of your school’s SGT.
English Language Learner (ELAC)
Schools which have twenty-one or more English as a Second Language (ESL) students also have an English Learner Advisory Committee. It serves as the advisory body to the school on four key issues:
- The school plan for English learners
- Needs assessment
- Administration of the language census
- Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of attendance
District Level Committees
Career Technical Education Advisory Committee (CTEAC) Develops recommendations on the College, Career and Technical Education program and provides the liaison between the district and potential employers. Learn more Compensatory Education Programs, District Advisory Council (DAC) Advisory group of elected representatives from Title I schools that consult with the district on behalf of compensatory education program participants. Learn more District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Advises the Board of Education and district staff on programs and services for English Learners. Learn more Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) District Advisory Committee Advises central office staff on GATE program development, planning and implementation as required by state law; acts as regional liaison to school sites for development of gifted programs; reviews district program objectives, activities, budget timelines and annual evaluations. For more information, contact your school principal or visit the GATE District Advisory Committee web page. Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC) Citizens’ advisory group created to monitor Proposition S implementation and expenditures. ICOC meetings are open to the public and regulated by the Brown Act. Learn more Special Education, Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Advises the SDUSD Board of Education and the Special Education administration on the implementation of the Local Plan, which describes how the district provides services to students with exceptional needs. Learn more
Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy
Here are the links for the Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy: English Spanish Tagalog Vietnamese
Parent Involvement Policy
Download the Parent Involvement Policy and the Home-School Compact
Vista Grande has a before and after school program on site. Please contact PrimeTime for more information. One that page you will find the most recent information and application, as well as the handbook.
Traffic & Parking
Safety Patrol
Safety Patrol students are recruited at the end of fourth grade and hold their positions throughout their fifth grade year. Safety Patrol members MUST be mature, responsible, on time, and hard workers. They also must be able to control their responses and behaviors with others, as they will be directing adults and children in the flow of traffic. For parents, students, and the general public, please mind the directions of the safety patrol for safe passage for our school community!
The parking lot is reserved for teacher and staff parking only. We have a very limited number of visitor spaces in our parking lot and they are clearly marked. Parking spots are marked with a number, and the numbers are assigned to a staff member. Even if there is no car in the marked spot, that staff member may be on an errand, on a field trip, getting lunch, etc., and will need their parking place when they return. If you are volunteering at Vista Grande, driving on a field trip, or have another need to be at our school, please only use a spot marked “visitor” or park on the street.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Our passenger loading area is on Antigua Blvd, right by our marquee/sign. If you are dropping off or picking up a student, you can use this location. You can also park on the street and walk onto the school grounds. Please DO NOT drive into the parking lot to pick up or drop off your child/children before or after school near the bell time. Due to the amount of students and adults in that area at the time, this is a dangerous practice.
Transportation to and from Vista Grande is provided to some students by the district. To fine out more about what programs qualify for transportation, visit the San Diego Unified School District’s website.
School Choice
San Diego Unified School District offers parents the opportunity to apply for schools outside of the neighborhood boundary. In order to find out more about School Choice, please visit the Enrollment tab at the district website. Scroll down in the menu for the tabs for Choice. If you are not sure what your boundary school is, there is a boundary map tool here.
How to Register
If you are within the Vista Grande boundary, come in to the office to fill out paperwork. If you are not certain about the boundary, visit the San Diego Unified School District school boundary tool.
If you know that you do not live within our boundary but would still like to attend, fill out a School Choice application and get on our Choice list. Please pay close attention to the deadlines for the application, as there is only a six week window between October and November in which to apply.
Call For Inquiry
619-605-4300 phone
(858) 569-7647 fax
Mail For Inquiry
Paper Work to Bring
Bring in the right paperwork. You must have:
- Birth certificate
- Immunization record or card
- Proof of Residency (utility bill, mortgage statement or rental agreement, etc.)
Academics and Programs
Language Arts
Social Studies
Proposition 28 is now funding the upper grade music program, when previously it was a district-funded program. When students are in fourth and fifth grades, they are exposure to instruments, reading music, and performance. 4th graders start with a more broad exposure, while 5th graders participate in either choir, orchestra, or band, depending on their choice of instrument.
Proposition 28 provides new funding for education in the arts, and was first put into place for Vista Grande during the 2024-2025 school year. This includes Media and Visual Arts for UTK-3rd grade every other week. This is taught currently by Mrs. Allard. Students explore and practice different artistic methods and learn about artists.